We're making waves across the internet




Relax your shoulders. we're here.

We're dot-connectors. Action-takers. We use our fluency in digital + knack for data-inspired storytelling to solve the problems that are holding you back from your next level of growth.





What we do

We take the time to get to know who you are and where you want to be, then dream up the most creative and compelling ways to bring your project to life.



Market Research
GTM Strategy
Competitive Analysis
Audit + Optimization


Web + Mobile
Branding + Refresh
Pitch Decks
Print Media


Mobile Apps
Custom Software
SaaS Development


Paid Search + Social
SEO + Content
Photo + Video
Organic Social
Email + SMS
we're very talented
check out our pricing deck




Think of this as brand therapy, where you tell us everything about your company, where it's headed, and what hasn't worked in the past. This process can last as long as it needs for us to get what makes you tick.


Once we help you nail down your goals, we'll create the best possible strategy that fits your budget and timeline. We'll make sure there's plenty of wiggle room for last-minute pivots so it always feels like you.


This is where the fun starts. Our experts will take the lead and get cooking, keeping you in the loop the entire way. You'll always have our full attention — no excuses.


Once we launch, it's still all hands on deck. Our team will track performance, report our findings, and seize every opportunity to make things better — so you can kick back and watch your numbers grow.

our process

Our credo can be summed up in four words: do more, talk less. Once we get to know you inside-out and build out the perfect strategy, we'll serve up the deliverables that are d*mn good, every time.


we write REAL good too.


TikTok Live Shopping: Everything You Need to Know
5 min to read If you have an ecommerce business, you’re always looking for new ways to market your products. You may have noticed that social media platforms are continuously innovating. They’ve even started providing unique and engaging shopping experiences that you can capitalize on. One such innovation that has gained immense popularity is TikTok Live Shopping. Sometimes it can feel almost overwhelming. We wanted to take a detailed look at TikTok Live Shopping, including how it works, the requirements for hosting live shopping events, and practical tips for a successful TikTok live stream shopping experience. Table of Contents: What is TikTok Live Shopping? How Does TikTok Live Shopping Work? Requirements for Live Shopping on TikTok Who Should Do a TikTok Live Shopping Event? Ideas for Live Shopping Events Tips for Succeeding in a TikTok Livestream How to Go Live on TikTok Get Started with TikTok Live Shopping TikTok Live Shop Frequently Asked Questions What is TikTok Live Shopping? TikTok Live Shopping is an interactive feature that seamlessly integrates live video streaming with ecommerce. It allows brands and content creators to showcase products in real-time, answer questions from viewers, and drive sales directly within the TikTok app. This immersive shopping experience capitalizes on the platform's short-form video content and the vibrant TikTok community, fostering a direct connection between brands, or creators, and their audience. How Does TikTok Live Shopping Work? TikTok Live Shopping combines elements of live streaming and online shopping, enabling you to present products in a live video broadcast. Viewers can engage with the content by asking questions, commenting, and making purchases without leaving the app. This frictionless process enhances the overall shopping experience, making it more engaging and personalized. Requirements for Live Shopping on TikTok To sell on TikTok, you must first fill out an application and get approval to create your shop. We cover some of the major requirements below, however you can find the complete seller requirements on TikTok’s website when you register at https://seller-us-accounts.tiktok.com/account/register. You can also fill out your application by downloading the TikTok Shop Seller Center app. Individual Age Requirement: Individual sellers must be 18 or older. This ensures that creators are of legal age to manage transactions and engage in commercial activities. Business Requirements: If you are a business, TikTok only accepts businesses that are registered in the United States. You must submit your business information, including business type, company name, Employer Identification Number (EIN), and more. All certificates proving the legitimacy of your business must be issued by a U.S. government agency. Follower Requirement: While you generally need 1,000 followers to Go Live on TikTok, there is no follower requirement to Go Live with your TikTok Shop. Prohibited Products: Some products are not allowed to be sold on TikTok Shop. These include adult products, alcohol and tobacco, baby products, firearms, and more. You can find the complete list of prohibited products here. Restricted Products: Some products are restricted and can only be sold with permission from TikTok. These categories include beauty products, electronics, and packaged foods and beverages. The complete list of restricted products can be found here. Community Guidelines: Adherence to TikTok's community guidelines is required for hosting live shopping events. These guidelines encompass content policies, ensuring that the live stream remains within the bounds of acceptable and respectful behavior. Setting Up Your TikTok Shop After you’ve filled out your application and get approved, be sure to set up your shipping information and add your products. There are several ways to add products, including uploading individual items manually to TikTok, doing a bulk upload of product information, and syncing an existing store, such as Amazon, Shopify, or BigCommerce. You can then connect your approved shopping account to your existing TikTok account. Who Should Do a TikTok Live Shopping Event? TikTok Live Shopping is a great feature for almost any creator or brand. Here are some examples of who can benefit from hosting live shopping events: Ecommerce Businesses Brands can showcase their products in a lively and interactive manner, providing potential customers with an authentic and engaging shopping experience. Influencers and Creators Influencers can leverage their influence to promote products to their audience in real-time, fostering a sense of connection and trust. Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses Small businesses can use this shopping feature as a cost-effective way to reach a broader audience and boost sales. Ideas for Live Shopping Events The success of a TikTok shopping event often hinges on creativity and engagement. Consider these ideas to make your live stream shopping experience memorable: 1. Product Launches Unveil new products in real-time, allowing viewers to be the first to see and purchase them. 2. Q&A Sessions Combine live shopping with a Q&A session to interact directly with your audience and address their queries about your products. 3. Limited-Time Offers Create a sense of urgency by introducing exclusive discounts or limited-time offers during the live stream. 4. Collaborations Collaborate with other TikTok creators or influencers to widen your audience reach and bring a fresh perspective to your live shopping event. Tips for Succeeding in a TikTok Livestream Hosting a successful TikTok Live Shopping event requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to ensure a successful live stream: 1. Engage with Your Audience Interact with viewers by responding to comments and questions in real-time. Engaging with your audience builds a sense of community and encourages participation. 2. Promote in Advance Use your other social media channels to promote your upcoming live shopping event. Create teaser content to generate excitement. 3. Optimize Lighting and Setup Ensure good lighting and a clear setup to showcase your products effectively. A well-lit environment enhances the visual appeal of your live stream. 4. Be Authentic Authenticity is key on TikTok. Be genuine, showcase your personality, and let your enthusiasm for the products shine through. 5. Highlight Special Offers Clearly communicate any special offers, discounts, or exclusive deals during your live stream. This can motivate viewers to make a purchase. 6. Encourage Engagement Encourage viewers to like, share, and comment during the live stream. Engaged viewers are more likely to stay tuned and make purchases. How to Go Live on TikTok Once your shop has been approved and set up, going live on TikTok is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to start your TikTok Live Shopping session: 1. Open TikTok Launch the TikTok app and ensure that you have the latest version installed. 2. Set Up Your Live Event Tap the '+' icon just as if you were going to create a new TikTok. Look for the ‘Live’ selection on the menu bar (it will only be visible if you meet the requirements) 4. Create Your Title Enter a compelling title for your live stream to attract viewers. 5. Start Your Live Stream Once everything is set, tap the 'Go Live' button to start your live stream. Get Started with TikTok Live Shopping TikTok Live Shopping creates exciting opportunities for brands and businesses to connect with their audience in real-time and drive sales directly within the platform. By following the tips above, you can make the most of this innovative feature and create a compelling and interactive shopping experience for your TikTok community. If you are looking to expand your brand’s reach on TikTok or other social media platforms, contact COLAB Los Angeles today—we’d love to hear from you! TikTok Live Shop Frequently Asked Questions What is TikTok Live Shopping? TikTok Live Shopping is a feature that combines live video streaming with ecommerce, allowing creators to showcase products in real-time and engage with viewers who can make purchases directly within the TikTok app. How do I go live on TikTok? To go live on TikTok, open the app, create or select a video, tap the '+' icon, and choose the 'Go Live' option. Set up your title and start your live stream. What are the requirements for TikTok Live Shopping? To host TikTok Live Shopping events, you need to be at least 18 years old, have at least 1,000 followers, and adhere to TikTok's community guidelines. How do I schedule a TikTok Live Shopping event? While setting up your live stream, you can schedule your event by selecting a date and time. Promote your scheduled event to build anticipation among your followers. What are some ideas for TikTok Live Shopping events? Consider showcasing product launches, hosting Q&A sessions, offering limited-time discounts, and collaborating with other creators to make your TikTok Live Shopping events engaging and memorable. How can I succeed in a TikTok live stream? Engage with your audience in real-time, promote your live stream in advance, optimize lighting and setup, be authentic, highlight special offers, and encourage viewer engagement to ensure a successful TikTok live stream shopping experience.


Google and Yahoo Email Changes: Email Marketing in 2024
6 min to read Email marketing has a new wrinkle. Beginning this month in February 2024, Gmail and Yahoo are introducing stricter measures for bulk email. These updates aim to improve user experience, combat spam, and enhance email security. As an email marketer, you need to be aware of these changes to make sure your email campaigns reach their target audience and maintain deliverability. Let's take a look at the key changes and how you can prepare. Table of Contents: Bulk Email Gets a Revamp What Are SPF, DKIM, and DMARC? How to Implement SPF, DKIM & DMARC More Ways to Keep Your Email Marketing Compliant Finally, Use a Custom Domain with Proper DNS Configuration Contact Us for Your Brand’s Email Marketing Bulk Email Gets a Revamp Both Gmail and Yahoo are implementing stricter regulations for bulk email senders. This primarily affects those sending thousands of messages daily (5,000 per day in Gmail’s case), but even smaller senders will see some impact. Here's what you need to know: Authentication becomes mandatory: Google and Yahoo now require email authentication using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for all bulk senders. These protocols verify the legitimacy of your emails, preventing spoofing and protecting users from phishing attempts. One-click unsubscribe is required: Both platforms require a clear and easy one-click unsubscribe option in your emails. This streamlines the process for users who no longer want to receive your messages and helps maintain your sender reputation. (Note: The deadline for Yahoo's one-click unsubscribe implementation has been extended to June 2024). Mind your spam rate: Google requires you to keep spam rates reported in Postmaster Tools below 0.10% and avoid ever reaching a spam rate of 0.30% or higher. Yahoo enforces a 0.30% limit. Exceeding these thresholds could result in your emails landing in spam folders or being blocked altogether.         What Are SPF, DKIM, and DMARC The new requirements emphasize email security through authentication protocols: SPF (Sender Policy Framework): This protocol authorizes the servers allowed to send emails from your domain, preventing unauthorized senders from impersonating you. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): This protocol attaches a digital signature to your emails, verifying their authenticity and preventing tampering during transit. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance): This protocol builds upon SPF and DKIM, defining how email receivers handle emails that fail authentication. It also provides valuable reporting data about your email traffic. How to Implement SPF, DKIM & DMARC Implementing SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) can significantly enhance the security of your email campaigns and improve deliverability. Below is a step-by-step guide for implementing these protocols:       1. SPF (Sender Policy Framework): Step 1: Access your DNS Records: Log in to your domain hosting provider or DNS management platform. Locate the DNS settings or DNS management section. Step 2: Add SPF Record: Create a new TXT record. Enter your SPF record, which typically looks like: v=spf1 include:_spf.example.com ~all Replace "example.com" with your domain. Step 3: Verify and Publish: Save the changes. Allow some time for DNS propagation. 2. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): Step 1: Generate DKIM Key Pair: Use your email platform or a DKIM key generator to create a public and private key pair. Step 2: Add DKIM Record to DNS: Create a new TXT record in your DNS settings. Enter the DKIM record, including the public key, selector, and version information. It looks something like this: v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC... Step 3: Configure Your Email Platform: Add the generated DKIM key to your email sending configuration. Step 4: Verify DKIM Setup: Send a test email and use DKIM verification tools to confirm correct implementation. 3. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance): Step 1: Set Up SPF and DKIM: Ensure that both SPF and DKIM are correctly configured as DMARC builds on these protocols. Step 2: Create DMARC Record: Add a new TXT record to your DNS settings: v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; rua=mailto:[email protected]; ruf=mailto:[email protected]; fo=1 "p" defines the DMARC policy. It can be "none," "quarantine," or "reject." "rua" specifies the email address to receive aggregate reports. "ruf" designates the email address for forensic reports. Step 3: Gradual Implementation: Initially, set the DMARC policy to "none" to monitor without affecting the delivery. Once confident in the configuration, adjust the policy to "quarantine" or "reject." Step 4: Monitor and Analyze Reports: Regularly review DMARC reports to identify unauthorized senders and potential issues. Additional Tips: Check Syntax: Ensure the correct syntax and formatting of your records.   Use Online Tools: Utilize online SPF, DKIM, and DMARC record checkers to verify your configurations. Engage IT or DNS Administrator: If unfamiliar with DNS settings, involve your IT department or DNS administrator for seamless implementation. More Ways to Keep Your Email Marketing Compliant Here are some additional tips to ensure your email marketing stays compliant: Monitor your email reputation: Use tools like Google Postmaster Tools and Yahoo Mail Postmaster to track your sender reputation and spam rates. Segment your audience: Tailor your emails to specific segments based on interests and engagement levels. This reduces the risk of users marking your emails as spam. Clean your email lists regularly: Remove inactive subscribers and invalid addresses to maintain list hygiene and improve deliverability. Keep your content relevant and valuable: Provide engaging content that resonates with your audience, reducing the likelihood of them unsubscribing or marking your emails as spam. Finally, Use a Custom Domain with Proper DNS Configuration Sending emails from a custom domain (e.g., yourcompany.com) with proper DNS configuration adds legitimacy and increases trust with recipients. It also helps you avoid potential deliverability issues associated with free email providers. Contact Us for Your Brand's Email Marketing While the new email sender requirements might seem like an inconvenience, they ultimately benefit both senders and recipients. By implementing these changes, you can make sure your email marketing campaigns stay effective, secure, and compliant, ultimately improving the relationship with your audience. If you are looking to start an email marketing campaign, contact COLAB Los Angeles today—we’d love to hear what you have in mind!


Branding vs. Marketing: What’s the Difference?
7 min to read As an emerging eCommerce company or small business, you may have run into this age old question: what’s the difference between branding and marketing? As a digital marketing agency, we often encounter companies that want to start or grow their marketing, but may not have fully developed their brand. Your branding efforts can have a major effect on the results of your marketing efforts. COLAB wants to give you the best results possible, so let’s walk through the differences between branding and marketing, and discuss ways to build your brand as you move forward and grow your business. Table of Contents: What Is Branding? What Is Marketing? Which Should You Do First, Branding or Marketing? Branding and Marketing for Your Company What Is Branding? You can find many definitions of branding—some that conflict with each other—but we like to define it as the set of elements that allow consumers to identify with your product or service. These elements must also differentiate you from competitors. Have you ever felt yourself identifying as a Nike person versus Adidas, or iPhone versus Samsung, or Levi’s versus Old Navy? Why is this? Certain brands represent the way that you see yourself, or what you aspire to be, or an experience you want to have, or what you want to be associated with—you therefore identify with those brands. When you identify with a brand, you’re more likely to buy it. This has a lasting impact that can create loyalty, reduce sensitivity to price, and a whole host of other benefits. This applies to world-famous brands like Coca-Cola and Apple, as well as local businesses like med spas and plumbers. When you call a plumber, do you want to be associated with one that smells good or one that has over 50 years of experience? Depending on the plumber’s branding, you might find one or the other more appealing. What Are the Elements of a Brand? Your brand starts with how your company operates, its goals, its vision, and more. These elements can include: Brand story - why did you start your company and what problem does your brand solve Mission statement Values Target audience and market The elements of a brand that everyone is most familiar with include things such as: Name Logo Tagline Typography (includes font) Colors Value proposition Personality and voice Design and appearance The experience you create The emotional connection you create Reputation Together, these elements allow consumers to identify with your company. Do you solve a problem they have? Do your values align with theirs? Does your logo, tagline, and brand voice make them feel like they can trust you? How to Create a Brand How do you create your brand? Creating a brand is a multifaceted process. A strong brand is not just a logo or a catchy tagline—it's a holistic representation of your company's values, identity, and promise to customers. Here's a starter guide on how to create a brand that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart in the market. Understanding Your Business Defining your Mission and Values The foundation of any successful brand lies in a clear understanding of its mission and values. What is your company's purpose? What principles guide your decision-making? By defining a compelling mission statement and core values, you establish a framework that shapes your brand's identity and resonates with both employees and customers. Identifying Target Audience and Market Knowing your audience is key to crafting a brand that connects on a personal level. Conduct thorough market research to identify your target demographic, their preferences, and pain points. Understanding the market landscape enables you to tailor your brand message to address specific needs and position your product or service effectively. Analyzing Competitors and Industry Trends A successful brand is not created in isolation. Analyze your competitors to identify gaps in the market and opportunities for differentiation. Stay abreast of industry trends to anticipate shifts in consumer behavior and preferences. By being aware of what others in your industry are doing, you can find unique angles to position your brand. Crafting a Unique Value Proposition Define What Sets Your Brand Apart What makes your brand special? Define your unique value proposition by identifying the aspects of your business that differentiate you from competitors. Whether it's superior quality, innovative solutions, or exceptional customer service, a clear value proposition helps customers understand why they should choose your brand. Create a Compelling Brand Story A brand story is a powerful tool for connecting emotionally with your audience. Share the journey of your company, the challenges you've overcome, and the passion that drives your team. A compelling narrative creates a memorable impression and fosters a sense of loyalty among consumers. Align Your Brand with Customer Needs and Desires Your brand should resonate with the desires and aspirations of your target audience. Do you want to be functional and affordable or do you want to be high status? Tailor your messaging to address customer needs and showcase how your product or service fulfills those needs. Understanding your customers on a deep level allows you to build a brand that aligns with their values and preferences. Developing a Memorable Brand Identity Design a Distinctive Logo and Visual Elements Your logo is the visual centerpiece of your brand identity. Work with our skilled designers to create a logo that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also reflective of your brand's personality and values. Consistency in visual elements across various platforms reinforces brand recognition. Select Brand Colors and Typography Colors and typography evoke specific emotions and contribute to the overall tone of your brand. Choose a color palette and font style that align with your brand's personality and resonate with your target audience. Consistent use of these elements reinforces brand cohesion. Create Consistent Brand Messaging Consistency is key in branding. Develop a cohesive messaging strategy that aligns with your brand story and value proposition. Whether communicating through social media, advertising, or customer interactions, maintaining a consistent voice and message builds trust and reinforces brand identity. What Is Marketing? Once you’ve decided what your brand should be, and created the assets (logo, website, brand voice, etc.), you have to make people aware of these elements. This brand awareness is achieved with marketing tactics. Marketing also creates sales. While using the framework of your brand, your marketing messages and tactics generate interest in your products or services and increase sales. What Are Marketing Tactics? Marketing encompasses all the activities you use to put your brand and messaging in front of your target audience. These elements can include: Advertising PPC Paid social media ads Podcast ads Direct mail And more Promotions and Offers Social media posts Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Leads Sales calls Email marketing Event marketing Public Relations Which Should You Do First, Branding or Marketing? Without question, your business should develop your branding first. Your marketing must reflect your branding and brand strategy. Without that piece, it becomes difficult for you to create a clear message and for consumers to differentiate you from your competitors. Branding and marketing are inherently interconnected. They have to work together to create a complete experience and message for your customers. Branding establishes the foundation that your marketing strategies are built on. It involves defining the core identity of a business, encompassing its values, mission, and unique selling proposition. Branding creates the distinct personality and image of your company that will resonate with your target audience. Marketing is the tactical execution of promoting a brand to your target market. Marketing involves the various channels and methods through which a company communicates its value proposition, engages with customers, and drives sales. Marketing encompasses a wide range of activities, from traditional advertising and public relations to digital strategies such as social media campaigns and content marketing. Building a strong brand provides the foundation for all marketing efforts. Without a clear brand identity, marketing messages can lack consistency and fail to establish a meaningful connection with your audience. Effective marketing relies on a well-defined brand that communicates authenticity and builds trust. Branding and Marketing for Your Company Contact COLAB to discuss how to further develop your brand, or to start marketing your products or services. We are a branding and marketing agency that’s been helping brands in Los Angeles and across the country for over ten years. From eCommerce companies, to med spas, to plumbers, we can get you in front of the right audience with the right branding and messaging.


We're making waves across the internet




Relax your shoulders. we're here.

We're dot-connectors. Action-takers. We use our fluency in digital + knack for data-inspired storytelling to solve the problems that are holding you back from your next level of growth.





What we do

We take the time to get to know who you are and where you want to be, then dream up the most creative and compelling ways to bring your project to life.



Market Research
GTM Strategy
Competitive Analysis
Audit + Optimization


Web + Mobile
Branding + Refresh
Pitch Decks
Print Media


Mobile Apps
Custom Software
SaaS Development


Paid Search + Social
SEO + Content
Photo + Video
Organic Social
Email + SMS
we're very talented
check out our pricing deck




Our credo can be summed up in four words: do more, talk less. Once we get to know you inside-out and build out the perfect strategy, we'll serve up the deliverables that are d*mn good, every time.


Think of this as brand therapy, where you tell us everything about your company, where it's headed, and what hasn't worked in the past. This process can last as long as it needs for us to get what makes you tick.


Once we help you nail down your goals, we'll create the best possible strategy that fits your budget and timeline. We'll make sure there's plenty of wiggle room for last-minute pivots so it always feels like you.


This is where the fun starts. Our experts will take the lead and get cooking, keeping you in the loop the entire way. You'll always have our full attention — no excuses.


Once we launch, it's still all hands on deck. Our team will track performance, report our findings, and seize every opportunity to make things better — so you can kick back and watch your numbers grow.


we write REAL good too.


TikTok Live Shopping: Everything You Need to Know
5 min to read If you have an ecommerce business, you’re always looking for new ways to market your products. You may have noticed that social media platforms are continuously innovating. They’ve even started providing unique and engaging shopping experiences that you can capitalize on. One such innovation that has gained immense popularity is TikTok Live Shopping. Sometimes it can feel almost overwhelming. We wanted to take a detailed look at TikTok Live Shopping, including how it works, the requirements for hosting live shopping events, and practical tips for a successful TikTok live stream shopping experience. Table of Contents: What is TikTok Live Shopping? How Does TikTok Live Shopping Work? Requirements for Live Shopping on TikTok Who Should Do a TikTok Live Shopping Event? Ideas for Live Shopping Events Tips for Succeeding in a TikTok Livestream How to Go Live on TikTok Get Started with TikTok Live Shopping TikTok Live Shop Frequently Asked Questions What is TikTok Live Shopping? TikTok Live Shopping is an interactive feature that seamlessly integrates live video streaming with ecommerce. It allows brands and content creators to showcase products in real-time, answer questions from viewers, and drive sales directly within the TikTok app. This immersive shopping experience capitalizes on the platform's short-form video content and the vibrant TikTok community, fostering a direct connection between brands, or creators, and their audience. How Does TikTok Live Shopping Work? TikTok Live Shopping combines elements of live streaming and online shopping, enabling you to present products in a live video broadcast. Viewers can engage with the content by asking questions, commenting, and making purchases without leaving the app. This frictionless process enhances the overall shopping experience, making it more engaging and personalized. Requirements for Live Shopping on TikTok To sell on TikTok, you must first fill out an application and get approval to create your shop. We cover some of the major requirements below, however you can find the complete seller requirements on TikTok’s website when you register at https://seller-us-accounts.tiktok.com/account/register. You can also fill out your application by downloading the TikTok Shop Seller Center app. Individual Age Requirement: Individual sellers must be 18 or older. This ensures that creators are of legal age to manage transactions and engage in commercial activities. Business Requirements: If you are a business, TikTok only accepts businesses that are registered in the United States. You must submit your business information, including business type, company name, Employer Identification Number (EIN), and more. All certificates proving the legitimacy of your business must be issued by a U.S. government agency. Follower Requirement: While you generally need 1,000 followers to Go Live on TikTok, there is no follower requirement to Go Live with your TikTok Shop. Prohibited Products: Some products are not allowed to be sold on TikTok Shop. These include adult products, alcohol and tobacco, baby products, firearms, and more. You can find the complete list of prohibited products here. Restricted Products: Some products are restricted and can only be sold with permission from TikTok. These categories include beauty products, electronics, and packaged foods and beverages. The complete list of restricted products can be found here. Community Guidelines: Adherence to TikTok's community guidelines is required for hosting live shopping events. These guidelines encompass content policies, ensuring that the live stream remains within the bounds of acceptable and respectful behavior. Setting Up Your TikTok Shop After you’ve filled out your application and get approved, be sure to set up your shipping information and add your products. There are several ways to add products, including uploading individual items manually to TikTok, doing a bulk upload of product information, and syncing an existing store, such as Amazon, Shopify, or BigCommerce. You can then connect your approved shopping account to your existing TikTok account. Who Should Do a TikTok Live Shopping Event? TikTok Live Shopping is a great feature for almost any creator or brand. Here are some examples of who can benefit from hosting live shopping events: Ecommerce Businesses Brands can showcase their products in a lively and interactive manner, providing potential customers with an authentic and engaging shopping experience. Influencers and Creators Influencers can leverage their influence to promote products to their audience in real-time, fostering a sense of connection and trust. Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses Small businesses can use this shopping feature as a cost-effective way to reach a broader audience and boost sales. Ideas for Live Shopping Events The success of a TikTok shopping event often hinges on creativity and engagement. Consider these ideas to make your live stream shopping experience memorable: 1. Product Launches Unveil new products in real-time, allowing viewers to be the first to see and purchase them. 2. Q&A Sessions Combine live shopping with a Q&A session to interact directly with your audience and address their queries about your products. 3. Limited-Time Offers Create a sense of urgency by introducing exclusive discounts or limited-time offers during the live stream. 4. Collaborations Collaborate with other TikTok creators or influencers to widen your audience reach and bring a fresh perspective to your live shopping event. Tips for Succeeding in a TikTok Livestream Hosting a successful TikTok Live Shopping event requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to ensure a successful live stream: 1. Engage with Your Audience Interact with viewers by responding to comments and questions in real-time. Engaging with your audience builds a sense of community and encourages participation. 2. Promote in Advance Use your other social media channels to promote your upcoming live shopping event. Create teaser content to generate excitement. 3. Optimize Lighting and Setup Ensure good lighting and a clear setup to showcase your products effectively. A well-lit environment enhances the visual appeal of your live stream. 4. Be Authentic Authenticity is key on TikTok. Be genuine, showcase your personality, and let your enthusiasm for the products shine through. 5. Highlight Special Offers Clearly communicate any special offers, discounts, or exclusive deals during your live stream. This can motivate viewers to make a purchase. 6. Encourage Engagement Encourage viewers to like, share, and comment during the live stream. Engaged viewers are more likely to stay tuned and make purchases. How to Go Live on TikTok Once your shop has been approved and set up, going live on TikTok is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to start your TikTok Live Shopping session: 1. Open TikTok Launch the TikTok app and ensure that you have the latest version installed. 2. Set Up Your Live Event Tap the '+' icon just as if you were going to create a new TikTok. Look for the ‘Live’ selection on the menu bar (it will only be visible if you meet the requirements) 4. Create Your Title Enter a compelling title for your live stream to attract viewers. 5. Start Your Live Stream Once everything is set, tap the 'Go Live' button to start your live stream. Get Started with TikTok Live Shopping TikTok Live Shopping creates exciting opportunities for brands and businesses to connect with their audience in real-time and drive sales directly within the platform. By following the tips above, you can make the most of this innovative feature and create a compelling and interactive shopping experience for your TikTok community. If you are looking to expand your brand’s reach on TikTok or other social media platforms, contact COLAB Los Angeles today—we’d love to hear from you! TikTok Live Shop Frequently Asked Questions What is TikTok Live Shopping? TikTok Live Shopping is a feature that combines live video streaming with ecommerce, allowing creators to showcase products in real-time and engage with viewers who can make purchases directly within the TikTok app. How do I go live on TikTok? To go live on TikTok, open the app, create or select a video, tap the '+' icon, and choose the 'Go Live' option. Set up your title and start your live stream. What are the requirements for TikTok Live Shopping? To host TikTok Live Shopping events, you need to be at least 18 years old, have at least 1,000 followers, and adhere to TikTok's community guidelines. How do I schedule a TikTok Live Shopping event? While setting up your live stream, you can schedule your event by selecting a date and time. Promote your scheduled event to build anticipation among your followers. What are some ideas for TikTok Live Shopping events? Consider showcasing product launches, hosting Q&A sessions, offering limited-time discounts, and collaborating with other creators to make your TikTok Live Shopping events engaging and memorable. How can I succeed in a TikTok live stream? Engage with your audience in real-time, promote your live stream in advance, optimize lighting and setup, be authentic, highlight special offers, and encourage viewer engagement to ensure a successful TikTok live stream shopping experience.


Google and Yahoo Email Changes: Email Marketing in 2024
6 min to read Email marketing has a new wrinkle. Beginning this month in February 2024, Gmail and Yahoo are introducing stricter measures for bulk email. These updates aim to improve user experience, combat spam, and enhance email security. As an email marketer, you need to be aware of these changes to make sure your email campaigns reach their target audience and maintain deliverability. Let's take a look at the key changes and how you can prepare. Table of Contents: Bulk Email Gets a Revamp What Are SPF, DKIM, and DMARC? How to Implement SPF, DKIM & DMARC More Ways to Keep Your Email Marketing Compliant Finally, Use a Custom Domain with Proper DNS Configuration Contact Us for Your Brand’s Email Marketing Bulk Email Gets a Revamp Both Gmail and Yahoo are implementing stricter regulations for bulk email senders. This primarily affects those sending thousands of messages daily (5,000 per day in Gmail’s case), but even smaller senders will see some impact. Here's what you need to know: Authentication becomes mandatory: Google and Yahoo now require email authentication using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for all bulk senders. These protocols verify the legitimacy of your emails, preventing spoofing and protecting users from phishing attempts. One-click unsubscribe is required: Both platforms require a clear and easy one-click unsubscribe option in your emails. This streamlines the process for users who no longer want to receive your messages and helps maintain your sender reputation. (Note: The deadline for Yahoo's one-click unsubscribe implementation has been extended to June 2024). Mind your spam rate: Google requires you to keep spam rates reported in Postmaster Tools below 0.10% and avoid ever reaching a spam rate of 0.30% or higher. Yahoo enforces a 0.30% limit. Exceeding these thresholds could result in your emails landing in spam folders or being blocked altogether.         What Are SPF, DKIM, and DMARC The new requirements emphasize email security through authentication protocols: SPF (Sender Policy Framework): This protocol authorizes the servers allowed to send emails from your domain, preventing unauthorized senders from impersonating you. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): This protocol attaches a digital signature to your emails, verifying their authenticity and preventing tampering during transit. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance): This protocol builds upon SPF and DKIM, defining how email receivers handle emails that fail authentication. It also provides valuable reporting data about your email traffic. How to Implement SPF, DKIM & DMARC Implementing SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) can significantly enhance the security of your email campaigns and improve deliverability. Below is a step-by-step guide for implementing these protocols:       1. SPF (Sender Policy Framework): Step 1: Access your DNS Records: Log in to your domain hosting provider or DNS management platform. Locate the DNS settings or DNS management section. Step 2: Add SPF Record: Create a new TXT record. Enter your SPF record, which typically looks like: v=spf1 include:_spf.example.com ~all Replace "example.com" with your domain. Step 3: Verify and Publish: Save the changes. Allow some time for DNS propagation. 2. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): Step 1: Generate DKIM Key Pair: Use your email platform or a DKIM key generator to create a public and private key pair. Step 2: Add DKIM Record to DNS: Create a new TXT record in your DNS settings. Enter the DKIM record, including the public key, selector, and version information. It looks something like this: v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC... Step 3: Configure Your Email Platform: Add the generated DKIM key to your email sending configuration. Step 4: Verify DKIM Setup: Send a test email and use DKIM verification tools to confirm correct implementation. 3. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance): Step 1: Set Up SPF and DKIM: Ensure that both SPF and DKIM are correctly configured as DMARC builds on these protocols. Step 2: Create DMARC Record: Add a new TXT record to your DNS settings: v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; rua=mailto:[email protected]; ruf=mailto:[email protected]; fo=1 "p" defines the DMARC policy. It can be "none," "quarantine," or "reject." "rua" specifies the email address to receive aggregate reports. "ruf" designates the email address for forensic reports. Step 3: Gradual Implementation: Initially, set the DMARC policy to "none" to monitor without affecting the delivery. Once confident in the configuration, adjust the policy to "quarantine" or "reject." Step 4: Monitor and Analyze Reports: Regularly review DMARC reports to identify unauthorized senders and potential issues. Additional Tips: Check Syntax: Ensure the correct syntax and formatting of your records.   Use Online Tools: Utilize online SPF, DKIM, and DMARC record checkers to verify your configurations. Engage IT or DNS Administrator: If unfamiliar with DNS settings, involve your IT department or DNS administrator for seamless implementation. More Ways to Keep Your Email Marketing Compliant Here are some additional tips to ensure your email marketing stays compliant: Monitor your email reputation: Use tools like Google Postmaster Tools and Yahoo Mail Postmaster to track your sender reputation and spam rates. Segment your audience: Tailor your emails to specific segments based on interests and engagement levels. This reduces the risk of users marking your emails as spam. Clean your email lists regularly: Remove inactive subscribers and invalid addresses to maintain list hygiene and improve deliverability. Keep your content relevant and valuable: Provide engaging content that resonates with your audience, reducing the likelihood of them unsubscribing or marking your emails as spam. Finally, Use a Custom Domain with Proper DNS Configuration Sending emails from a custom domain (e.g., yourcompany.com) with proper DNS configuration adds legitimacy and increases trust with recipients. It also helps you avoid potential deliverability issues associated with free email providers. Contact Us for Your Brand's Email Marketing While the new email sender requirements might seem like an inconvenience, they ultimately benefit both senders and recipients. By implementing these changes, you can make sure your email marketing campaigns stay effective, secure, and compliant, ultimately improving the relationship with your audience. If you are looking to start an email marketing campaign, contact COLAB Los Angeles today—we’d love to hear what you have in mind!


Branding vs. Marketing: What’s the Difference?
7 min to read As an emerging eCommerce company or small business, you may have run into this age old question: what’s the difference between branding and marketing? As a digital marketing agency, we often encounter companies that want to start or grow their marketing, but may not have fully developed their brand. Your branding efforts can have a major effect on the results of your marketing efforts. COLAB wants to give you the best results possible, so let’s walk through the differences between branding and marketing, and discuss ways to build your brand as you move forward and grow your business. Table of Contents: What Is Branding? What Is Marketing? Which Should You Do First, Branding or Marketing? Branding and Marketing for Your Company What Is Branding? You can find many definitions of branding—some that conflict with each other—but we like to define it as the set of elements that allow consumers to identify with your product or service. These elements must also differentiate you from competitors. Have you ever felt yourself identifying as a Nike person versus Adidas, or iPhone versus Samsung, or Levi’s versus Old Navy? Why is this? Certain brands represent the way that you see yourself, or what you aspire to be, or an experience you want to have, or what you want to be associated with—you therefore identify with those brands. When you identify with a brand, you’re more likely to buy it. This has a lasting impact that can create loyalty, reduce sensitivity to price, and a whole host of other benefits. This applies to world-famous brands like Coca-Cola and Apple, as well as local businesses like med spas and plumbers. When you call a plumber, do you want to be associated with one that smells good or one that has over 50 years of experience? Depending on the plumber’s branding, you might find one or the other more appealing. What Are the Elements of a Brand? Your brand starts with how your company operates, its goals, its vision, and more. These elements can include: Brand story - why did you start your company and what problem does your brand solve Mission statement Values Target audience and market The elements of a brand that everyone is most familiar with include things such as: Name Logo Tagline Typography (includes font) Colors Value proposition Personality and voice Design and appearance The experience you create The emotional connection you create Reputation Together, these elements allow consumers to identify with your company. Do you solve a problem they have? Do your values align with theirs? Does your logo, tagline, and brand voice make them feel like they can trust you? How to Create a Brand How do you create your brand? Creating a brand is a multifaceted process. A strong brand is not just a logo or a catchy tagline—it's a holistic representation of your company's values, identity, and promise to customers. Here's a starter guide on how to create a brand that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart in the market. Understanding Your Business Defining your Mission and Values The foundation of any successful brand lies in a clear understanding of its mission and values. What is your company's purpose? What principles guide your decision-making? By defining a compelling mission statement and core values, you establish a framework that shapes your brand's identity and resonates with both employees and customers. Identifying Target Audience and Market Knowing your audience is key to crafting a brand that connects on a personal level. Conduct thorough market research to identify your target demographic, their preferences, and pain points. Understanding the market landscape enables you to tailor your brand message to address specific needs and position your product or service effectively. Analyzing Competitors and Industry Trends A successful brand is not created in isolation. Analyze your competitors to identify gaps in the market and opportunities for differentiation. Stay abreast of industry trends to anticipate shifts in consumer behavior and preferences. By being aware of what others in your industry are doing, you can find unique angles to position your brand. Crafting a Unique Value Proposition Define What Sets Your Brand Apart What makes your brand special? Define your unique value proposition by identifying the aspects of your business that differentiate you from competitors. Whether it's superior quality, innovative solutions, or exceptional customer service, a clear value proposition helps customers understand why they should choose your brand. Create a Compelling Brand Story A brand story is a powerful tool for connecting emotionally with your audience. Share the journey of your company, the challenges you've overcome, and the passion that drives your team. A compelling narrative creates a memorable impression and fosters a sense of loyalty among consumers. Align Your Brand with Customer Needs and Desires Your brand should resonate with the desires and aspirations of your target audience. Do you want to be functional and affordable or do you want to be high status? Tailor your messaging to address customer needs and showcase how your product or service fulfills those needs. Understanding your customers on a deep level allows you to build a brand that aligns with their values and preferences. Developing a Memorable Brand Identity Design a Distinctive Logo and Visual Elements Your logo is the visual centerpiece of your brand identity. Work with our skilled designers to create a logo that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also reflective of your brand's personality and values. Consistency in visual elements across various platforms reinforces brand recognition. Select Brand Colors and Typography Colors and typography evoke specific emotions and contribute to the overall tone of your brand. Choose a color palette and font style that align with your brand's personality and resonate with your target audience. Consistent use of these elements reinforces brand cohesion. Create Consistent Brand Messaging Consistency is key in branding. Develop a cohesive messaging strategy that aligns with your brand story and value proposition. Whether communicating through social media, advertising, or customer interactions, maintaining a consistent voice and message builds trust and reinforces brand identity. What Is Marketing? Once you’ve decided what your brand should be, and created the assets (logo, website, brand voice, etc.), you have to make people aware of these elements. This brand awareness is achieved with marketing tactics. Marketing also creates sales. While using the framework of your brand, your marketing messages and tactics generate interest in your products or services and increase sales. What Are Marketing Tactics? Marketing encompasses all the activities you use to put your brand and messaging in front of your target audience. These elements can include: Advertising PPC Paid social media ads Podcast ads Direct mail And more Promotions and Offers Social media posts Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Leads Sales calls Email marketing Event marketing Public Relations Which Should You Do First, Branding or Marketing? Without question, your business should develop your branding first. Your marketing must reflect your branding and brand strategy. Without that piece, it becomes difficult for you to create a clear message and for consumers to differentiate you from your competitors. Branding and marketing are inherently interconnected. They have to work together to create a complete experience and message for your customers. Branding establishes the foundation that your marketing strategies are built on. It involves defining the core identity of a business, encompassing its values, mission, and unique selling proposition. Branding creates the distinct personality and image of your company that will resonate with your target audience. Marketing is the tactical execution of promoting a brand to your target market. Marketing involves the various channels and methods through which a company communicates its value proposition, engages with customers, and drives sales. Marketing encompasses a wide range of activities, from traditional advertising and public relations to digital strategies such as social media campaigns and content marketing. Building a strong brand provides the foundation for all marketing efforts. Without a clear brand identity, marketing messages can lack consistency and fail to establish a meaningful connection with your audience. Effective marketing relies on a well-defined brand that communicates authenticity and builds trust. Branding and Marketing for Your Company Contact COLAB to discuss how to further develop your brand, or to start marketing your products or services. We are a branding and marketing agency that’s been helping brands in Los Angeles and across the country for over ten years. From eCommerce companies, to med spas, to plumbers, we can get you in front of the right audience with the right branding and messaging.

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